The Crossing of the Dan
Dan River Crossing at a previous Crossing of the Dan commemoration.
Event Registration:  https://tinyurl.com/a9bs5246


February 13, 2025 — February 15, 2025

Thursday, February 13
The British Perspective of the Crossing of the Dan
Matt Abbott, curator of South Boston – Halifax County Museum will present a program on how the Crossing of the Dan was perceived by Cornwallis and British forces.
6 pm | South Boston – Halifax County Museum
Friday, February 14
Revolutionary War Encampment – CANCELLED
Visit a Revolutionary War Encampment to learn how our ancestors lived in 1781. Local historians will be on site in period uniforms to answer questions. Children and families are encouraged to attend.
Searching for Spaces and Places 1781: Greene Outmaneuvers Cornwallis
LeRae Umfleet, from North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources, will present an update on Greene’s Race to the Dan National Parks Service Grant Corridor Study. Following her presentation, the Virginia Society, Sons of the American Revolution Color Guard will lead a short march to the Halifax County War Memorial. At 6:30 pm, there will be a musket salute to honor General Greene, his army, and fallen Revolutionary War patriots of Halifax County.
5:30 pm | Beth Carr Baptist Church Sanctuary
Saturday, February 15
244th Commemoration
Dr. Lawrence Babits, author of Devil of a Whipping: The Battle of Cowpens returns to the Crossing of the Dan stage. He will be discussing “The Nathanael Greene Trail Meets the Race to the Dan – Southern Army Logistics January-March 1781. This presentation will address the arming and supplying of the Southern Army for General Greene’s campaign to Guilford Courthouse and the historic race to the Dan River.
10:00 am | The Prizery
Crossing Events are conducted in cooperation with:

Dan River Chapter of the Sons of the Revolution (SAR),
Berryman Green Chapter NSDAR
Halifax County Historical Society
South Boston – Halifax County Museum
Town of Halifax and Town of South Boston




© 2024 Halifax County Tourism

1180 Bill Tuck Highway
South Boston, Virginia 24592

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