
Halifax Tourism Hosts Fall Conference

Halifax and Berry Hill Resort was the location for the Sold Out VADMO Fall Meet Up 2024. 

Thanks go to hosts LaTonya Hamilton and Ben Owen of Halifax County Tourism for planning an exciting, experiential and educational conference.

Activities included a tour and group event at Virginia International Raceway (VIR), one of the major attractions in the area, and attendees learned about the operations and the infrastructure needed to keep this wonderful Virginia asset growing.

Upon their return to Berry Hill, participants enjoyed a Mixology lesson using some of Virginia’s products. After drinks, attendees enjoyed a superb dinner at Molasses Grill. A walking tour of the Town of Halifax and the Visitor’s Center were also on the agenda, and both tours provide valuable insight on the operations of this vibrant community.

The Fall Meet Up closed with an interesting panel discussion that included VIR and local government representatives that talked about the preparations, infrastructure investment and strategic planning and marketing that is currently underway to support VIR with its growth projections.

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